Under the guise of compassion, 11 states have legalized CBD oils for specific illnesses but they’re missing the big picture … It’s not the just CBD’s guys! THC is equally beneficial for a wide variety of ailments but the politicians are keeping it on the shelf leaving thousands of people to suffer needlessly in the process. Some examples include:

    Pain Relief. Though it sometimes gets a bad rap for its cerebral effects, THC is a powerful pain reliever that activates certain pathways in the central nervous system associated with pain. In fact, THC is the primary pain-relieving compound found in cannabis, as it blocks pain signals from being sent to the brain. THC is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from neuropathic, or nerve-related, pain, based on the findings of numerous studies.

     Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thankfully, much of this is now changing, which is good news for our nation’s war veterans, many of whom battle with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While the Veterans Association (VA) still prescribes SSRIs and other dangerous pharmaceuticals as treatment for this harrowing condition, emerging science is showing that the THC in cannabis is a safer, preferable alternative.

    Nausea and vomiting. Believe it or not, a pill form of THC has been available as a treatment for nausea and vomiting since the 1980s. But the official government position is still one that views THC in natural plant form as having no medicinal benefits, despite evidence showing that this natural cannabinoid eases stomach pain while stimulating the appetite, which is especially helpful for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

    Appetite stimulant. THC can help reduce stomach pains and stimulate a person’s appetite, including in patients with cancer and HIV-associated wasting syndrome. THC can also help otherwise healthy individuals put on more muscle and boost their nutritional intake.

    Asthma. Believe it or not, research dating back to the 1970s cites THC as a highly medicinal compound in the treatment of asthma. Trials have shown that smoking marijuana can actually calm asthma attacks, though ingesting cannabis via edibles or a vaporizer may be preferable to avoid agitating one’s lungs.

    Glaucoma. One of the first conditions to be identified as a target of cannabis, glaucoma is another condition that responds exceptionally well to THC. Glaucoma sufferers have found that marijuana cannabinoids can relieve eye pressure in ways that no pharmaceutical ever could, all without causing any harm.

    Sleeping aid. The THC in cannabis provides natural relaxation and calm that numerous studies have shown works much better at promoting truly restful sleep. THC has also been linked to improving nighttime breathing and reducing sleep interruptions, including in those who suffer from sleep apnea. And unlike synthetic pharmaceuticals, THC induces natural sleeping patterns that provide real rest, relief and recovery.

    Read the whole article here: Natural News